Engraving and Personalization

What type of engraving do you use?
All items are engraved using a laser engraver. This allows for all text and images to be high quality. Laser engraving also allows for accuracy and precision as well as speed and efficiency.
What colors are available to fill in the engravings?
Most engravings are filled with black ink. A variety of colors are available if the family wishes to use a different color. We do suggest requesting a color that stands out on the marble that will display the quality of the engraving.
Are proofs available to review before an item is engraved?
Yes, all engraving requests are used to create a layout of what the engraving will look like. A proof of the design will be sent to you via email to review with the family. Please confirm with the family that the spelling on the proof is correct as well as any other requested information including dates, images and additional text. If the proof has to be revised, then please let us know immediately, so we can process the order in a timely manner. An item will not be engraved without receiving the final approval.
What is the cutoff time for submitting an engraving request?
What is the cutoff time for submitting an engraving request?
To ensure same-day shipping, please make sure that we receive your approval in our inbox by 2:30 PM EST. This allows us to ship your item via UPS by 5:00 PM EST.
Can you engrave a signature? A doodle? A drawing?
Yes, we can. For some families, nothing is more personal than something created by their loved one’s own hand. We do have the ability to duplicate and engrave simple drawings and signatures. Please contact us for more information and pricing.
Which urns are best for photo portraits?
We suggest that the best urns for photo portrait engravings are the Serenity White, Embrace White, and Carpel White for cylindrical urns and the Antique White Rectangle urn. These urns are lighter in color and have no veins in them. This will not distort the photo. We also have an option for an ebony urn which is our Ebony Book Urn. These urns provide the best surface for shading and full range dimensions in a photo engraving.
What are the quality requirements when submitting a photo for engraving?
Quality is key. Pick ask the family to pick the best quality possible. Close-up and images with bright colors will produce the best results. What you see is what you get. We may have to crop the image for size to properly format it for the item ordered. For the best image quality, submit images with 300 dpi. This will ensure that when the image is edited it won’t lose quality. When uploading custom images or portraits, please make sure the file size is 20 mb or less.
Can you remove a background, a person, object, or fix a scratch on a photo?
Possibly, our team can assess the situation and advise you of the options. Depending on the complexity, there will be an additional charge. Please email the photo and describe the request. We will consult with you regarding the editing needs before the order is engraved.
What file types do you accept for custom image requests?
We accept .jpg (preferred), .bmp, .svg, .png, and .gif (GIF images do not reproduce as well because of color compression).
Is there a way to show the design directly on the urn?
Is there a way to show the design directly on the urn?
Yes, we can digitally place a proofed design onto an image of the urn upon request. This helps visualize how the final product will look. However, this process takes more time, so most designs will be shown as proofs without the urn background.
What are our font choices?
We currently offer the following standard font options:
• Times New Roman
• Lucida Calligraphy (Calligraphy)
• Verdana
• Arial
• Shelley Allegro Script
• Cinzel
If the family prefers a font not listed above, we can accommodate the request as long as the font is common, easily obtainable, and free for use. You may also choose to use more than one font. However, we recommend limiting the selection to no more than two fonts to maintain a clear and cohesive design.
How do I attach custom images to purchase orders?
To attach custom images, please select the urn you would like to order and select engraving, then fill the text to be engraved and upload the image in the upload image section. If you are unable to attach the image, then please email the file at Orders@RSMemorialProducts.com. Ensure the files are in .png, .jpg, .bmp, or .tif format, and use the subject line: "CUSTOM IMAGE PO ######" (replace ###### with your actual PO number).
What if I want an image that isn’t listed?
If you need an image that isn’t listed, you can describe it in the “Special Instructions” field of your order form. Our design team will work to find or create a suitable image for your needs.
I have a customer requesting a large amount of text on an urn. Are there limitations to how many characters can be engraved?
We can size our lettering to fit most urns. The more text, the smaller the lettering will appear. We recommend that text can fit into a 3” W X 4” H rectangle. This can be adjusted to accommodate an image; it would just depend on the style and size of the lettering. Maximum characters for 1 line are 40 characters.
What clip art and photos can I use?
We can use any clip art and photos that are not copyrighted provided it is of good quality for engraving. When requesting copyrighted images, a written consent form from the owner of the copyright must be provided for legal reasons.
How creative can I get with the engraving?
Please feel free to contact us with any ideas your customer has to make the engraving unique. Our engraving team will be able to use their expertise to suggest how to customize the engraving. They can make a one-of-a-kind design that can help the family remember their loved one.
To what extent can you personalize an urn?
We offer extensive personalization options for our urns, including custom engraving. You may choose text, fonts, and the image(s) you wish to include. If you have specific personalization requests, please include them in the “Special Instructions” field of your order form. However, please note that depending on the urn type and size, there are limitations to the amount of engraving that can be done. Charges may also arise for additional lines of text or additional images.
Can I see multiple versions of a proof?
Yes, we can provide multiple versions of a proof upon request. Please indicate this requirement in the “Special Instructions” field on your order and our design team will work with you to create the versions needed for your approval.
Is it engraved directly on the marble urn? If so, is there something done to it to make it stand out from the patterns on the urn?
Yes, the laser engraving is done directly on the marble urn. To ensure the engraving stands out against the marble patterns, we use colored acrylic ink that enhances the visibility of the engraved design.
Are there additional costs for customization?
Yes, there may be additional costs for customization, depending on the complexity and extent of the customization requested. Please contact our customer team for a detailed quote if you have any questions or concerns.